I hate to go political on my blog, but I'm getting a hankerin to ask why exactly so many avowed America haters can look at Senator Barack Hussein Obama and decide that yeah, that's their man and they're going to rally around him. Is no one else concerned about this and the fact that a terrorist (Ayers) launched Obama's political career in his living room in 1995?
Not to mention that he was the only one to vote NO on the Born Alive Infant Protection Bill when he was in the Illinois Senate because he didn't want children that survived a partial birth abortion to be called citizens because then they'd be afforded constitutional rights and protection. I get so mad at fellow Mo's who think that this guy is right for our country.
I'd like a sign that just says PALIN for my front yard....especially after McCain voted for this disastrous bailout.
For the first time ever our Presidential race is between a Marxist and a Democrat. And I'll be voting for a Democrat(McCain) for the first time ever.
I guess the scriptures were right in that we get the leadership we deserve and as we become more unrighteous our leaders will reflect that.
I hate to go political on my blog, but I'm getting a hankerin to ask why exactly so many avowed America haters can look at Senator Barack Hussein Obama and decide that yeah, that's their man and they're going to rally around him. Is no one else concerned about this and the fact that a terrorist (Ayers) launched Obama's political career in his living room in 1995?
Not to mention that he was the only one to vote NO on the Born Alive Infant Protection Bill when he was in the Illinois Senate because he didn't want children that survived a partial birth abortion to be called citizens because then they'd be afforded constitutional rights and protection. I get so mad at fellow Mo's who think that this guy is right for our country.
Amen Elastic.
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